PLANET Technology Achieves "B" Rating, the Highest in CDP's 2024 SME Category

PLANET Technology, a leading global provider of IP-based networking solutions, has received a “B” rating, the highest score in the 2024 CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project) assessment designed for SMEs worldwide for the first time on climate change actions. It acknowledged the company’s continuous improvement on carbon management and sustainability initiatives.

CDP is a globally-recognized climate management performance evaluation valued by international investors. The 2024 CDP attracted participation from over 24,000 companies globally. The questionnaire aligns with the latest international ESG standards and initiatives, including IFRS S2 climate standards, TCFD (Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures), and TNFD (Task Force on Nature-related Financial Disclosures). For the first time, it also incorporates issues related to plastics and biodiversity, expanding the scope and depth of disclosures.

Climate change is one of the key issues for corporate sustainability. PLANET continues to promote low-carbon transition to carbon neutrality, and actively verified its carbon emissions inventories and reduction achievements by joining CDP assessments while identifying regulatory and physical risks to enhance climate resilience. Additionally, it actively assess risks related to energy depletion, resource scarcity, extreme weather, and rising sea levels to strengthen operational resilience and turn challenges into green economic opportunities, enhancing the company’s competitiveness of corporate sustainable development.

In 2024, PLANET pledged to the SBTi (Science Based Targets initiative) to ensure its carbon reduction actions align with global climate goals. It has also obtained third-party verification for ISO 14064-1 greenhouse gas inventory and ISO 14067 product carbon footprint inventory. Furthermore, it is collaborating with supply chain partners to strengthen ESG management and carbon reduction. To date, PLANET has been partnering with 11 suppliers to expedite the shift toward sustainable development across its supply chain and the broader sector.