
Product Category
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Date Model Version Description Download
2023-09-15 IGS-6325-8UP2S 1.6 Modify contents of user manual.
2023-09-15 IGS-6325-8UP2S2X 1.6 Modify contents of user manual.
2023-09-15 IGS-6325-16T4X 1.6 Initial release.
2023-09-15 IGS-6325-16T4S 1.6 Modify contents of user manual.
2023-09-15 IGS-6325-16P4S 1.6 Modify contents of user manual.
2023-09-15 IGS-6325-8T4X 1.6 Modify contents of user manual.
2023-09-15 IGS-6325-8T8S 1.6 Modify contents of user manual.
2023-09-15 IGS-6325-8T8S4X 1.6 Modify contents of user manual.
2023-09-15 IGS-6325-5X1T 1.6 Modify contents of user manual.
2023-09-15 IGS-6325-4T2X 1.6 Modify contents of user manual.
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