
Product Category
Product Model
Type of File
Date Model Version Description Download
2017-03-24 IGS-5227-6MT-X 1.0 Initial release.
2017-01-06 IGS-5225-8P2S2X 1.0 Initial release.
2017-01-06 IGS-5225-8T2S2X 1.0 Initial release.
2016-12-30 IGS-20040MT 1.3 Modify the power input range from "9V to 48V DC".(Only for IGS-20040MT).
2016-12-30 IGS-20160HPT 1.2 Modify the power input range of IGS-20040MT to be "9V to 48V DC".
2016-12-30 IGS-10020HPT 2.1 Modify the power input range of IGS-20040MT to be "9V to 48V DC".
2016-12-30 IGS-10020MT 2.3 Modify the power input range of IGS-20040MT to be "9V to 48V DC".
2016-12-30 IGS-10020PT 2.1 Modify the power input range of IGS-20040MT to be "9V to 48V DC".
2016-12-30 IGS-12040MT 1.2 Modify the power input range of IGS-20040MT to be "9V to 48V DC".
2016-12-30 IGS-10080MFT 1.3 Modify the power input range of IGS-20040MT to be "9V to 48V DC".
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