
Product Category
Product Model
Type of File
Date Model Version Description Download
2024-05-09 NMS-500 1.0b240506 1. Supports GS-2210 series virtual panel function.
2. Supports WDAP-C3000AX and WDAP-3000AX for AP control function.
3. Supports ICA-3480 and ICA-4480.
4. Supports NMSViewerPro app.
2024-05-09 NMS-1000V 1.0b240506 [NMS-1000V-10]
1. Supports GS-2210 series virtual panel function.
2. Supports WDAP-C3000AX and WDAP-3000AX for AP control function.
3. Supports ICA-3480 and ICA-4480.
4. Supports NMSViewerPro app.
2024-05-09 NMS-1000V 1.0b240506 [NMS-1000V-12]
1. Supports GS-2210 series virtual panel function.
2. Supports WDAP-C3000AX and WDAP-3000AX for AP control function.
3. Supports ICA-3480 and ICA-4480.
4. Supports NMSViewerPro app.
2023-09-01 WDAP-C3000AX 1.2305b230828 Initial Release.
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