
Product Category
Product Model
Type of File
Date Model Version Description Download
2023-10-12 GS-4210-24UP4C 3.0 Release for hardware version 3.0.
2023-06-05 GS-4210-24P4C / GS-4210-24PL4C 3.0 [For hardware version 3.0.]
EC declaration of GS-4210-24PL4C.
2022-12-16 GS-4210-24P4C / GS-4210-24PL4C 3.0 [For hardware version 3.0.]
EC declaration of GS-4210-24P4C.
2021-02-01 GS-4210-24UP4C 2.0 EC Declaration.
2021-01-29 GS-4210-24PL4C 1.1 EC Declaration.
2018-05-16 GS-4210-24P4C / GS-4210-24PL4C 1.1 EC Declaration
2016-08-25 GS-4210-24UP4C 1.0 EC Declaration
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