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Go to C:\Windows\Downloaded Program Files and check to see if there is an entry for the file "IPCamera Control". The status column should show “Installed”. If the file is not listed, make sure your Security Settings in Internet Explorer are configured properly and then try reloading the device’s home page. Most likely, the ActiveX control did not download and install correctly. Check your Internet Explorer security settings and then close and restart Internet Explorer. Try to browse and log in again.

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If a firewall exists on the network, port 80 is open for ordinary data communication. The HTTP port and RTSP port need to be opened on the firewall or NAT router.

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The objects in CAM-IR15, CAM-IR30 will be colorful in regular working environment. In the 0-lux (total darkness), the images in the IR cameras will be black-and white.

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Go to C:\Windows\Downloaded Program Files and check to see if there is an entry for the file "IPCamera Control". The status column should show "Installed". If the file is not listed, make sure your Security Settings in Internet Explorer are configured properly and then try reloading the device’s home page. Most likely, the ActiveX control did not download and install correctly. Check your Internet Explorer security settings and then close and restart Internet Explorer. Try to browse and log in again.

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Please refer to the following ways to solve this issue:
1) Close the antivirus software.
2) Add the ICA-1200/W1200 link to the safe list of antivirus software.

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Heater will be turned on at 15 degrees C or turned off at 25 degrees C.
Note: The temperature is obtained from the inside of the ICA-2250VT.

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No, the lens on CAM-IR15/ CAM-IR30 are fixed, which is not interchangeable.

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