Product Category
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Please follow the steps below:

  1. Re-power the device if you cannot find the unit within 1 minute.
  2. Do not connect device over a router. PLANET Smart Discovery Lite program cannot detect device over a router.
  3. If IP address is not assigned to the PC that is running PLANET Smart Discovery Lite program, then PLANET Smart Discovery Lite program cannot find device. Make sure that IP address is assigned to the PC properly.
  4. Antivirus software on the PC might interfere with the setup program. Disable the firewall of the antivirus software during setting up this device.
  5. Check the firewall setting of your PC or Notebook.

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The device uses Category 5 UTP cable allowing 10/100BASE-TX networking within 100 meters.

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Make sure that your Internet Explorer is version 8.0 or later. If you are experiencing problems, try upgrading to the latest version of Microsoft’s Internet Explorer from the Microsoft webpage.

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If a firewall exists on the network, port 80 is open for ordinary data communication. The HTTP port and RTSP port need to be opened on the firewall or NAT router.

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The maximum number of users is limited to 20. However, it also depends on the total bandwidth accessed to this device from clients. The maximum data throughput of the device is around 100~200 Mbps for RTSP mode and 50Mbps for HTTP mode. Therefore, the actual number of connected clients is varying by streaming mode, settings of resolution, codec type, frame rate and bandwidth. Obviously, the performance of the each connected client will slow down when many users are logged on.

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Please follow the steps below:

  1. When the PC connects to internet camera for the first time, a pop-up Security Warning window will appear to download ActiveX Controls. When using Windows XP, or Vista, log on with an appropriate account that is authorized to install applications.
  2. Network congestion may prevent the Image screen from appearing quickly. You may choose lower resolution to reduce the required bandwidth.

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Follow the steps below.

  1. Remove power, and press and hold the button in the back of IP camera.
  2. Power on the camera. Don’t release the button during the system booting.
  3. It will take around 30 seconds to boot the camera.
  4. Release the button when the camera finishes the process.
  5. Re-login the camera using the default IP (, and username (admin) and password (admin).

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