PLANET Technology Receives the ISO 45001 Certification for a Safe and Healthy Workplace

PLANET Technology, a global leading IP-based networking company, is committed to creating a safe and healthy work environment by continuously monitoring relevant risks and hazards. Preventative measures have been made to ensure the safety and health of the employees. For the last five years, PLANET has had zero occupational accidents, injuries and illnesses.

In June, PLANET received the certification for ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems, showing how much care PLANET has put into making sure its employees have a safe and healthy workplace resulting in sustainable business operations. Thus, it benefits its suppliers, customers and other stakeholders as a whole.

To maintain a safe and healthy work environment, PLANET has implemented 4 strategies to ensure sustainable operations:

  • Comply with legal requirements to reduce risks
  • Continuously monitor the management of occupational safety and health in order to improve operational efficiency
  • Periodically evaluate and find room for improvements in order to provide a safe working environment
  • Cooperate with suppliers to reduce risk and improve safety

PLANET also received several workplace safety certifications and awards offered by the government:

  • Accident-free Workplace Certification
  • Sports Enterprise Certification
  • Badge of Accredited Healthy Workplace
  • The Taiwan Mittelstand for Workplace Friendliness

For sustainable business operations, PLANET has also complied with the ISO 14064-1 standard to report greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory and the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) through third-party verification. PLANET has been a TCFD supporter to actively respond to climate issues and transparent disclosure of climate risks and opportunities while strengthening the implementation of energy conservation, carbon emission reduction and environmental protection.

PLANET will continue to monitor and optimize occupational safety for all its employees so as to achieve a sustainable business operation that will benefit customers, suppliers and other stakeholders as a whole.

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