
Product Category
Product Model
Type of File
Date Model Version Description Download
2024-07-10 IGS-4215-16T2S / IGS-4215-16T2S-U 1.305b240227 Added PSTI function.
FW upgrade for PSTIA (Product Security and Telecommunications Infrastructure Act)
*Note: After updating the firmware, you will need to enter the product's MAC code at the first login. Please record the MAC code before proceeding with the update.
2024-06-21 IGS-6325-8UP2S 2.2112b240509 [Release for hardware vesion 2.0.]
Function added: Supports PSTI Act to enhance product security.
FW upgrade for PSTIA (Product Security and Telecommunications Infrastructure Act)
*Note: After updating the firmware, you will need to enter the product's MAC code at the first login. Please record the MAC code before proceeding with the update.
2024-06-06 IGS-6325-20S4C4X 2.2312b240516 [Release for hardware version 2.0.]
Function added:
- Regular Firmware Upgrdade.
2024-04-18 IGS-6325-16T4X 1.2112b240326 Update -
Supports PSTI Act to enhance product security.
FW upgrade for PSTIA (Product Security and Telecommunications Infrastructure Act)
*Note: After updating the firmware, you will need to enter the product's MAC code at the first login. Please record the MAC code before proceeding with the update.
2023-11-17 IGS-6325-20T4C4X 1.440b231030 1. Added a new address of Modbus TCP for AC power information
2. Removed G8265.1 and G8275.1 profile of PTP function
3. Supports Virtual Panel on NMS series
4. Updated ERPS Ring patch
2023-09-01 IGS-4215-8T2S 1.305b230801 Fixed ERPS ping timeout issue.
2023-05-26 IGS-4215-8T2S 1.305b230428 Fixed ERPS Loop issue.
2023-05-12 IGS-4215-8UP2T2S 1.305b230426 Fixed PoE Management Mode that might be set incorrectly when powering on.
2023-05-12 IGS-4215-16T2S / IGS-4215-16T2S-U 1.305b230224 Initial Release for IGS-4215-16T2S-U.
2022-12-02 IGT-900-1T1S 1.440b221017 Bug Fixed -
Authentication request appears twice when logging into the console of the IGS-900-1T1S via SSH (Secure Shell) with the previous firmware version (v1.440b211210). This issue has been fixed with the firmware update in version 1.440b221017.
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