
Product Category
Product Model
Type of File
Date Model Version Description Download
2021-10-22 IGS-5225-8P2T2S 2.1 Add IGS-5225-8P2T4S.
2021-10-22 IGS-5225-8P4S 2.1 Release for hardware version 4.0.
2021-10-22 IGS-5225-4UP1T2S 2.1 [Release for hardware version 4.0]
Add IGS-5225-8P2T4S.
2021-10-22 IGS-5225-4T2S 2.1 [Release for hardware version 2.0]
Add IGS-5225-8P2T4S.
2021-09-30 IGS-620TF 2.1 [Release for harcware version 2.0]
Modify contents of user manual.
2021-09-24 IGS-1820TF 1.01 Modify contents of user manual.
2021-07-14 IGS-504PT 1.0 Initial release
2021-04-19 IGS-1020TF 1.1 Release for new CIS housing printing.
2021-04-01 IGS-620TF 2.0 Release for hardware version 2.0.
2020-12-18 IGS-5225-8P2S2X 3.0 Release for hardware version 3.0.
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