
Product Category
Product Model
Type of File
Date Model Version Description Download
2021-03-26 IGS-20160HPT 3.440b200916 Initial Release for hardware version 3.0.
2021-03-26 IGS-20160HPT 3.440b210219 1. Release for hardware version 3.0.
2. Changed 320W to 360W PoE budget with dual 54V to 56V power input.
2020-08-21 IGS-20160HPT 2.440b200817 [Release for hardware version 2.0]
1. Added PLANET CloudViewer app support.
2016-08-25 IGS-20160HPT 1.342c160728 Bug Fixed - Fixed switch reboot after enabling Remote Syslog function.
Function Added - Added Modbus TCP.
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