
Product Category
Product Model
Type of File
Date Model Version Description Download
2023-06-02 WDAP-C1800AX 2.2102b230519 [Release for hardware version 2.0.]
1. Added support for CloudViewerPro app
2. Modified the default connection mode of AP to be DHCP
3. Added feature to control the LED status
2022-07-22 WAPC-500 1.0b220523 AP controller support for WDAP-750E, WDAP-C1800AX and WDAP-W1800AXU.
2022-04-29 NMS-500 1.0b220412 AP controller support: IAP-1800AX, IAP-2400AX, WDAP-W1800AXU. WDAP-C1800AX, WDAP-1800AX.
2022-01-14 WS-1032P 1.2103b220111 (1) AP controller support: WDAP-C1800AX, WDAP-1800AX
(2) Added etherleak patch.
2022-01-07 WS-2864PVR 1.440b211229 AP controller support: WDAP-C1800AX, WDAP-1800AX.
2021-12-10 WDAP-C1800AX 2.2102b211207 [Release for hardware version 2.0.]
1. Supports RADIUS server and captive portal in gateway mode.
2. Supports PLANET NMS AP Control function.
3. Supports PLANET CloudViewer app.
2021-04-28 WDAP-C1800AX 1.0-Build20210427141258-EN Initial Release for ETSI Region.
2021-04-28 WDAP-C1800AX 1.0-Build20210416163432-EN Initial Release for FCC Region.
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