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2024-05-21 WGS-5225-8UP2SV 1.440b240509 Function added:
Supports PSTI Act to enhance product security.
(Default login authentications for the device are username: admin and password: sw + the last 6 characters of the MAC ID in lowercase.)
FW upgrade for PSTIA (Product Security and Telecommunications Infrastructure Act)
*Note: After updating the firmware, you will need to enter the product's MAC code at the first login. Please record the MAC code before proceeding with the update.
2024-05-21 WGS-5225-8P2SV 3.2112b240509 [Release for hardware version 3.0.]
Function added:
Supports PSTI Act to enhance product security.
(Default login authentications for the device are username: admin and password: sw + the last 6 characters of the MAC ID in lowercase.)
FW upgrade for PSTIA (Product Security and Telecommunications Infrastructure Act)
*Note: After updating the firmware, you will need to enter the product's MAC code at the first login. Please record the MAC code before proceeding with the update.
2020-07-24 WGS-5225-8P2SV 1.366b200722 1. Added port 9 and port 10 that support an operating speed of 2.5G.
2. Hardware-based factory reset default is required for this firmware upgrade.
 Press the hardware-based reset button on the device for about 10 seconds.
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